Paos Volcano National Park
The summit area of Poas Volcano is covered with ash and has little vegetation. Explosions still occur regularly, and the activity like the steam, is often caused by the interaction of the lava with the water. While the water in the lake may seem inviting, it is extremely acidic and can be as hot as 185 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is definitely not for swimming. There is mild activity occurring frequently, and 39 eruptions have been recorded since 1828. In 1989, high gaseous emissions caused the part to shut down temporarily, but usually the eruptions are of steam and muddy water, giving Poas the distinction of being the world"s biggest geyser. There is an animal that is unique as well. It is the Poas yellow-green squirrel, and it is only found here in the part. Aside from this 79 species of birds live here, like hummingbirds and the resplendent Quetzal

La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature Park is a privately owned and managed ecological attraction that opened in the fall of 2000. The construction of the Hiking Trails, Butterfly Observatory and Reception began in July of 1998 and was mostly complete by the fall of 2000. Since opening we have continually added new and interesting exhibits to enhance the quality of your visit. Please Enjoy.
Our Mission Statement is to preserve and protect the natural environment of the area for the education, entertainment, and enjoyment of all ages of people. Our strategy combines environmentally conscious design with maximum educational impact to the visitor.
The Park comprises 70 acres (28 hectares) of land including approximately 40 acres of cloud and rainforest and 30 acres (12 hectares) of pastureland cut by a previous owner. The forest area is currently protected under Private Wildlife Refuge Status and we are in the process of reforesting the unoccupied pastureland. We are also an active member of the Costa Rican Network of Private Nature Reserves, the Green Stamp Program, the Blue Flag Program and the Environmental Services Payment Program.

Coffee Tasting
•Doka offers 7 different export types; all same quality only difference is roasting times
•Contrary to popular belief the lighter the roast the more caffeine remains in the bean; Dark roasts have less caffeine
•One cup of coffee has an average of 1.5% caffeine; Black tea has 2%; Cocoa 4%; Coca cola 5%
•90% of Doka coffee is exported and sold to Starbucks (unroasted)
•10% remains in Costa Rica
•Ticos drink the inferior harvested beans but improve the flavor by adding caramelized sugar (torrefaccion) in the roasting process
•Most other brands of coffee are actually mixes of beans from various plantations which have different soils and climates and therefore produces variable quality
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